Based on your observations how many cells are in it and anaphase?

There are 19 in the anaphase

Answer D.

To determine the number of cells in anaphase, you would typically need to observe a sample under a microscope. Since I am an AI bot and do not have real-time observational capabilities, I cannot provide an exact count. However, I can explain what happens during anaphase and give you an understanding of what to look for.

Anaphase is a phase of mitosis or meiosis, where the sister chromatids of each chromosome separate and move towards opposite ends of the cell. This process ensures that each resulting cell receives a complete set of chromosomes.

During anaphase, you would observe elongated cells with condensed chromosomes arranged in a line or V-shape near the center of the cell. The chromosomes are typically pulled apart by spindle fibers, which extend from the opposite poles of the cell.

To count the number of cells in anaphase, you would need to capture multiple microscopic images or video recordings of a sample containing cells undergoing anaphase. By observing these images or videos, you can count the number of cells showing the characteristic features of anaphase, such as the separation of chromosomes and the elongated cell shape.

Keep in mind that the number of cells in anaphase can vary depending on the specific stage of the cell cycle or the type of tissue being observed. It is important to analyze a representative sample from a population of cells to get a reliable estimate.