Which term should be included in bibliography select the 2 correct answers

To determine which terms should be included in a bibliography, you need to consider the sources that you have used in your research. A bibliography typically includes all sources that were referenced or consulted during the creation of a project or paper. Here are two types of sources that should commonly be included in a bibliography:

1. Books: If you have referenced or used information from any books in your research, you should include these in the bibliography. Include the author(s) name(s), title of the book, publication year, and relevant publication details.

2. Journal Articles: If you have cited journal articles in your research, make sure to include them in your bibliography as well. Include the author(s) name(s), article title, name of the journal, volume number, issue number (if applicable), page numbers, and publication year.

However, it's important to note that the specific guidelines for creating a bibliography can vary depending on the citation style you are using (such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). So, it is advisable to consult the citation style guide associated with the academic discipline you are working in to determine the exact formatting and included elements.

Remember, the purpose of a bibliography is to provide readers with the information they need to locate and reference the sources you have used in your work.