How were indentured servants different from slaves?

A. Slaves were paid a small wage and indentured servants were forced to work for no money.

B. Indentured servant’s agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.

C. Indentured servant’s worked indefinitely and slaves agreed to work for five years in exchange for freedom at the end of the five years.

D. Indentured servants earned wages but slaves did not.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the key differences between indentured servants and slaves.

Indentured servants were individuals who voluntarily entered into a contractual agreement, often for a specific period of time, in exchange for something such as passage to a new country, land, or tools. These agreements were called indentures. During their contracted period, indentured servants were required to work for their masters without receiving wages. After fulfilling their contract, they would be granted their promised rewards, such as land and tools.

On the other hand, slaves were considered property and were forced to work without consent or any form of contractual agreement. They were treated as commodities, bought and sold by their owners. Slaves had no rights and were considered the legal property of their masters. They generally had no prospect of freedom or receiving any compensation for their labor.

From these definitions, we can determine that the correct answer is:

B. Indentured servant’s agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.