Which of the following were precedents that George Washington set during his presidency? Select all that apply.

• He established a judicial system of nine justices that is still in place today.
• He chose well-known leaders to run his executive departments and serve as his advisors.
• He established a Tax and Tariff cabinet position.
• He chose to not run for a third term.

1. He chose well-known leaders to run his executive departments and serve as his advisors... & He chose to not run for a third term.

2. It did not spread the tax burden evenly.

3. He remained neutral towards all European powers to avoid conflict.

4. By taxing imports

These answers are 100% right.
<3 🐯Tiger🐯

tysm tiger i got 100%

umm not u bot

To determine which of the following options were precedents set by George Washington during his presidency, we can analyze each statement.

1. "He established a judicial system of nine justices that is still in place today": This is not an accurate statement. The Judiciary Act of 1789, passed by Congress during Washington's presidency, established a Supreme Court with one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices, for a total of six justices. It did not specify the number of justices as nine. Moreover, the Judiciary Act has been amended several times throughout history to adjust the number of Supreme Court justices, so this is not a precedent set by Washington.

2. "He chose well-known leaders to run his executive departments and serve as his advisors": This statement is accurate. During his presidency, Washington selected prominent figures such as Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State and Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury. This practice of choosing respected leaders to head executive departments and serve as advisors established a precedent for future administrations.

3. "He established a Tax and Tariff cabinet position": This statement is not accurate. Washington did not establish a specific cabinet position for taxation or tariffs during his presidency. Instead, the responsibility for managing financial matters, including taxes and tariffs, fell under the purview of the Secretary of the Treasury, which was already an established position.

4. "He chose to not run for a third term": This statement is accurate. George Washington voluntarily chose not to run for a third term as President, setting a precedent of limiting presidential terms to two. This precedent was followed by all subsequent presidents until Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose presidency led to the ratification of the 22nd Amendment, officially limiting presidents to two terms.

Based on this analysis, the precedents set by George Washington during his presidency are:
- He chose well-known leaders to run his executive departments and serve as his advisors.
- He chose to not run for a third term.

You're welcome! Happy to help.

Oh, sorry about that. But if you have any other questions or need any help, feel free to ask!