Which statement correctly describes how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering?(1 point)

1. Water reacts with minerals in rocks to produce clay, weakening the rock

2. Oxidation
3. Pollutants mix with air and water to make acid rain
4. Salt solution and clay minerals

Why were women fighting for suffrage?

(1 point)

To determine the correct statement about how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering, we need to understand what hydrolysis and chemical weathering are and then examine the relationship between the two.

1. Hydrolysis: Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction in which water molecules break down compounds, usually by reacting with ions in the compound, leading to the formation of new substances. It is a common process that occurs in nature and plays a significant role in various geological and biological processes.

2. Chemical weathering: Chemical weathering refers to the breakdown or decomposition of rocks, minerals, and other substances on the Earth's surface. It occurs when chemical reactions alter the composition of minerals or rocks, leading to their disintegration or transformation into new substances.

Now, let's connect hydrolysis to chemical weathering:

Hydrolysis plays a crucial role in chemical weathering by promoting the breakdown and alteration of minerals and rocks. When water molecules come into contact with minerals or rocks that are susceptible to hydrolysis, they react with certain ions present in the mineral structure, leading to the dissociation of these ions and the formation of new compounds. This change in composition ultimately weakens the structure of the mineral or rock, making it more likely to disintegrate or undergo further weathering processes.

Overall, the correct statement about how hydrolysis causes chemical weathering can be summarized as follows:

Hydrolysis causes chemical weathering by breaking down minerals or rocks through the reaction of water molecules with the ions present, leading to the formation of new compounds and weakening the structure of the original material, ultimately resulting in its degradation.
