write a letter to your friend who wants to visit your school giving him directions to your school and telling him two interesting things he will see upon his arrival.

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to hear that you are planning to visit my school! I would be more than happy to provide you with directions and share some interesting things you can look forward to upon your arrival.

To begin, my school is located at [School's Address]. Here are the directions to help you reach the school:

1. If you're coming by car, start by heading east on [Street Name] and continue straight until you reach the intersection with [Road Name]. Take a left turn onto [Road Name], and continue for approximately 2 miles.
2. Once you've traveled 2 miles, you will find [School Name] on your right-hand side. There is a large entrance gate, and you can park your vehicle there. Upon entering, the main office is located in the first building on the left.

Now, let me share with you two interesting things you will see upon your arrival:

1. The School Garden: As you walk through the main entrance, you will notice a beautifully maintained garden on your right. This garden is maintained by the students and is home to various plants, flowers, and herbs. It's a serene and refreshing area that offers a great place for students to unwind and connect with nature during their breaks.

2. The Science Lab: Once you've entered the school building, make sure to visit the science lab located on the second floor. This state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and resources, providing an engaging learning experience for students. You'll have the opportunity to see experiments in progress and witness firsthand how science knowledge is practically applied.

I hope you find these directions and insights helpful for your visit to my school. I am eagerly looking forward to showing you around and spending some quality time together. If you need any further assistance or have any other queries, please feel free to ask.

See you soon!

Best regards,
[Your Name]