Which of the following does a bibliography list? Select the two correct answers

Well, if you're looking for a joke, a bibliography lists the names of people who didn't return your borrowed books! But on a more serious note, a bibliography typically lists the sources used to write a paper or book. So, the two correct answers would be:

1. Books, articles, or other materials used as sources.
2. Authors or editors of those sources.

Remember, it's always a good idea to give credit where credit is due!

To determine the correct answers, let's first understand what a bibliography is. A bibliography is a list of sources that were consulted or referenced when writing a paper, article, or any other form of written work. It helps provide credibility to the work by acknowledging the sources of information used.

Now, let's consider the options you provided:

1. Primary sources
2. Footnotes
3. Secondary sources
4. Works cited

A bibliography typically includes both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are original materials such as historic documents, interviews, or research papers. Secondary sources are those written about primary sources, such as books, articles, or scholarly papers that reference or analyze the original work.

Footnotes are not typically listed in a bibliography; they are used to provide additional information or citation details within the main text of the document.

"Works cited" is similar to a bibliography, but it is generally used in MLA style format, specifically listing only the sources that were directly cited within the document.

Therefore, the two correct answers would be:

1. Primary sources
2. Secondary sources

A bibliography typically lists:

1. Books: This includes books written by authors that are relevant to the topic or subject being researched. The author's name, title of the book, publication date, and other relevant details are included.

2. Journal articles: Scholarly articles published in academic journals are commonly listed in a bibliography. The author's name, title of the article, name of the journal, volume number, issue number, publication date, and page numbers may be included.

Therefore, the correct answers would be "Books" and "Journal articles".