In a recipe 3 eggs are used to make 45 cookies. Which table shows the relationship between the number of eggs used and the number of cookies made?

To determine the relationship between the number of eggs used and the number of cookies made in a recipe, you need to create a table that pairs the number of eggs with the corresponding number of cookies.

Since the given information states that 3 eggs are used to make 45 cookies, you can start by filling in the first row of the table:

| Number of Eggs | Number of Cookies |
| 3 | 45 |

To establish the relationship, you need to figure out the number of cookies made for different amounts of eggs used. Since the recipe ratio is 3 eggs to 45 cookies, you can use that ratio to calculate the number of cookies for other amounts of eggs.

For example, if you want to find the number of cookies made using 1 egg, you can set up a proportion:

3 eggs / 45 cookies = 1 egg / x cookies

Using cross multiplication, you get:
3x = 45
x = 45 / 3
x = 15

So, when 1 egg is used, 15 cookies are made. You can then add this information to the table:

| Number of Eggs | Number of Cookies |
| 3 | 45 |
| 1 | 15 |

Continue this process for other amounts of eggs, such as 2 eggs. Set up the proportion:

3 eggs / 45 cookies = 2 eggs / y cookies

Cross multiplying:
3y = 45 * 2
3y = 90
y = 90 / 3
y = 30

Thus, when 2 eggs are used, 30 cookies are made. Add this information to the table:

| Number of Eggs | Number of Cookies |
| 3 | 45 |
| 1 | 15 |
| 2 | 30 |

Continue this process until you have enough data points to establish a clear relationship in the table.