1. Which of the following would be an example of a primary source?

A;an internet article about the history of automobiles
B;a movie about Kennedy assassination
C;a soldier's letters home from war
D;a teacher's lecture about the Great Depression

PLzzzzzzz HELP ME!

To determine which option would be an example of a primary source, we need to understand what a primary source is. A primary source is an original document or artifact that provides first-hand information about a certain topic or event. It is created by someone who witnessed or experienced the event themselves.

Now, let's analyze the options provided:

A) "An internet article about the history of automobiles" - This would likely be a secondary source since it is an interpretation or analysis of historical information, rather than an original document.

B) "A movie about the Kennedy assassination" - Typically, movies are considered a secondary source since they are a creative interpretation of events by filmmakers.

C) "A soldier's letters home from war" - This option is likely a primary source since the letters were written by someone who was directly involved in the war and can provide first-hand accounts and perspectives.

D) "A teacher's lecture about the Great Depression" - This is most likely a secondary source because it would be the teacher's synthesis and interpretation of information about the Great Depression, rather than an original document or artifact from the time.

Based on these explanations, the option that is most likely a primary source is C) "A soldier's letters home from war." This would provide direct insight into the experiences and perspectives of someone involved in the war.