How can you avoid plagiarizing a source you wanna use in writing a paragraph? select all that apply.

1. C

2. A
3. B
4. A and B

To avoid plagiarizing a source when writing a paragraph, you can follow these steps:

1. Paraphrasing: Instead of copying and pasting directly from the source, read the information carefully and then put it in your own words. Make sure to express the ideas in a new and original way.

2. Citing: Whenever you use information or ideas from a source, you need to give credit to the original author. Use proper citation formats such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style, depending on the requirements, to acknowledge the source within your writing.

3. Quoting: If you want to use a specific phrase or sentence from a source, enclose it in quotation marks and provide an in-text citation to acknowledge the original author. However, avoid using excessive quotes and ensure your writing is primarily in your own words.

4. Referencing: Include a list of sources you used at the end of your paragraph, referred to as a reference or works cited page. This allows readers to easily access and verify the information you have referenced.

By following these steps, you can avoid plagiarism and ensure your writing is original, while still incorporating and crediting the sources you use.

To avoid plagiarizing a source when writing a paragraph, you can follow these steps:

1. Paraphrase: Reword the information in your own words, maintaining the original meaning and context. Be sure to attribute the source by citing it properly.
2. Use quotation marks: When using direct quotes, enclose the exact words from the source in quotation marks and provide a proper citation.
3. Cite the source: Always provide a citation or reference to acknowledge the original source of the information you are using. This includes both in-text citations and a works cited or reference list at the end.
4. Use proper citation style: Make sure to use the appropriate citation style guide, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style, to format your citations accurately.
5. Use multiple sources: Incorporate information from multiple sources rather than relying solely on one source. This will help you avoid unintentional plagiarism and provide a well-rounded perspective.
6. Understand the information: Ensure that you have a solid understanding of the content you are using. This will make it easier to rephrase and avoid copying the original text verbatim.
7. Review and revise: After writing your paragraph, thoroughly review it to ensure that you have properly paraphrased and cited all sources. Use plagiarism checker tools to verify if any unintentional plagiarism exists.

Remember, it is essential to always give credit to the original authors or sources to uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.