How can I get better assertive exercise?

Assertiveness is a skill that can be developed through practice. Here are some tips to help you become more assertive:

1. Identify your feelings and needs. Take time to think about what you are feeling and what you need in a given situation.

2. Communicate clearly. Speak in a calm and confident manner, using “I” statements to express your feelings and needs.

3. Set boundaries. Know what you are willing to accept and what you are not.

4. Practice active listening. Listen to what the other person is saying and respond in a respectful manner.

5. Take responsibility for your actions. Acknowledge your mistakes and take responsibility for them.

6. Be prepared. Think about how you will respond to different situations before they arise.

7. Take time for yourself. Make sure to take time for yourself to relax and recharge.

8. Seek support. Talk to a trusted friend or family member if you need help.