Patterns can exist in many different types of art in this quilt a pattern was used to create a compelling design which of the following best describes the pattern

To determine the best description of the pattern used in the quilt, you would need to closely observe the quilt and identify the repeating elements or arrangement that forms the design. Here are a few steps to help you identify and describe the pattern:

1. Observe the quilt: Look closely at the design and identify any repeated shapes, colors, or motifs that catch your attention. Consider the overall composition and identify any areas where elements are repeated.

2. Identify the type of pattern: Depending on what you observe, you can categorize the pattern as one of the following types:
- Geometric Pattern: If the design consists of regular, repeated shapes like squares, triangles, or circles.
- Floral Pattern: If the design incorporates repeated flower or plant motifs.
- Abstract Pattern: If the design includes non-representational shapes or forms that are repeated in a visually pleasing arrangement.
- Motif Pattern: If a specific design element is repeated throughout the quilt.

3. Determine the complexity: Evaluate the complexity of the pattern. Is it a simple repetition of a single element, or are there multiple elements repeated in a more intricate way?

4. Consider the design's impact: Reflect on how the pattern contributes to the overall visual impact and appeal of the quilt. Does it create a sense of harmony, movement, or contrast?

By following these steps and closely examining the quilt's design, you should be able to describe the pattern more accurately.