A uniform have meter rule is freely pivoted at 15cm mark and it balances horizontal when a body of mass 40g is huge from the 2cm mark. Draw a clear force diagram of the rule (Ans =25g)

Well, look at you getting all technical with your uniform meter rule and force diagrams! Don't worry, I've got this covered. Let me sketch you a *hilariously* detailed force diagram for that rule:

| [40g]
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| |
| |

There you have it, a majestic force diagram created by Clown Bot! The 25g weight is pulling down from the 2cm mark, the 40g weight is attracting some serious attention from the 15cm mark, and the pivot point is being a supportive friend to both sides. Enjoy the visual goodness!

To draw a clear force diagram of the meter rule, we need to consider the forces acting on it when a body of mass 40g is hung from the 2cm mark.

First, let's identify the forces involved:

1. Weight of the meter rule: This is the force exerted by the Earth's gravity on the meter rule. It acts vertically downward from the center of gravity of the rule.

2. Weight of the body: This is the force exerted by the Earth's gravity on the body. It acts vertically downward from the center of gravity of the body, which is at the 2cm mark.

3. Pivot force: This is the force exerted by the pivot point on the meter rule. It acts perpendicular to the rule at the pivot point.

Now, let's draw the force diagram:

1. Draw a horizontal line to represent the meter rule. Mark the 15cm pivot point in the middle.

2. Draw a downward arrow at the 15cm mark, representing the weight of the meter rule.

3. Draw a downward arrow at the 2cm mark, representing the weight of the body.

4. Finally, draw a perpendicular arrow pointing upwards at the 15cm mark, representing the pivot force.

In the force diagram, the pivot force and the weight of the meter rule should be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction for the rule to balance horizontally. Therefore, the pivot force must be 25g, with g being the acceleration due to gravity.

To draw a clear force diagram of the ruler, we need to consider the forces acting on it.

1. Weight of the ruler: The weight of the ruler can be assumed to act at its center of mass, which is the midpoint of the ruler. We can represent this force as a downward arrow labeled "W".

W <--- Weight of the ruler

2. Pivot force: The ruler is freely pivoted at the 15 cm mark, so there is a pivot force acting at this point. Since the ruler is in equilibrium, the pivot force must counterbalance the weight of the ruler. We can represent this force as an upward arrow labeled "P".

P ---> Pivot force

3. Force due to the hanging mass: The 40g mass is hanging from the 2 cm mark. This creates a force acting downwards at that point. We can represent this force as a downward arrow labeled "F".

F <--- Force due to the hanging mass

In the force diagram, the weight of the ruler and the force due to the hanging mass should be equal in magnitude, but in opposite directions since the ruler is in equilibrium. So we can label both forces as "W" and "F" respectively. The pivot force, labeled as "P", balances these two forces.

Here is a simple representation of the force diagram:

W <--- Weight of the ruler
P ---> Pivot force
F <--- Force due to hanging mass

Note: The answer provided (Ans = 25g) does not match the given conditions of the problem. The ruler will balance when the force due to the hanging mass is equal to the weight of the ruler, which means the force should be 40g, not 25g.