So, I've been trying to freehand draw art, but every time I try, it doesn't look good. I'm trying to draw in a sort of anime-ish style, any tips?

Drawing in an anime style can be challenging, but with practice and a few key techniques, you can improve your freehand drawing skills. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Observe and analyse: Study different anime art styles and pay attention to the proportions and characteristics commonly seen in this style. Look at both professional art and amateur artwork to get a broad range of references.

2. Begin with basic shapes: Start your drawing with simple geometric shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. Use these as a foundation to construct the overall structure of your character.

3. Master the proportions: Anime characters often have exaggerated proportions, such as large eyes, small noses, and small mouths. Practice drawing these features in a way that maintains a balanced and visually pleasing appearance.

4. Learn anatomy: Understanding human anatomy is crucial for creating convincing drawings, even within an anime style. Study the basic anatomy of the human body and practice drawing individual body parts to improve your overall figure drawing skills.

5. Develop your linework: Experiment with different types of lines - thick, thin, smooth, or textured - to add interest and depth to your drawings. You can use a variety of line weights to emphasize important features and add style to your artwork.

6. Practice facial expressions: Anime characters often exhibit a wide range of emotions. Experiment with different facial expressions and practice capturing the mood through your drawings. Pay attention to the placement of facial features and how they change with different emotions.

7. Use references: Don't be afraid to use references, especially as a beginner. Look for pose references, stock images, or even photographs of real people to enhance your understanding of anatomy, poses, and composition.

8. Keep practicing: Drawing is a skill that requires consistent practice and perseverance. Set aside regular time for drawing and try to challenge yourself with more complex poses and characters as you progress.

Remember, improvement takes time, and everyone develops their own unique style over time. Don't be discouraged by initial setbacks and keep experimenting. With dedication and patience, you'll see improvement and develop your own artistic voice.