The organizational structure used in this excerpt is _________ (name the organizational structure). I can tell this because (give examples and explain the aspects of the excerpt that show that structure was used. This may take one or two sentences). For the last section, I would add the heading “(fill in the blank)” because (explain why that heading would be best for that section).

To determine the organizational structure used in an excerpt, you would need to analyze the arrangement and relationships of the information present in the text. This can be done by looking for specific indicators such as headings, subheadings, bullet points, or logical transitions between ideas.

Once you have identified the organizational structure, you can provide evidence from the excerpt to support your conclusion. For example, if the excerpt demonstrates a chronological order of events with clear cause-and-effect relationships, the organizational structure could be considered as a "sequential" or "chronological" structure.

To determine the most appropriate heading for a section, you would need to consider the main subject or theme discussed in that section. Look for keywords or phrases that summarize the content and help to guide the reader's understanding. Choosing the best heading requires an understanding of the overall context and purpose of the text, as well as the specific details mentioned.