9. Overall, please write one paragraph that illustrates your answer to the essential question of How does religion impact culture? You may choose one specific religion/culture to highlight from this document, or can mention several. Please give at least 2 examples, and write this in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.


Religion has a profound impact on culture as it shapes the beliefs, values, and practices of individuals and communities. One specific example is Hinduism and its impact on Indian culture. Hinduism, with its emphasis on karma and reincarnation, has influenced the caste system in India, which has been a fundamental social structure for centuries. This hierarchical system divides society into different castes based on birth, with limited social mobility. Another example is Islam and its impact on Middle Eastern culture. Islam, as a monotheistic religion, has influenced the art, architecture, and language of the region, with Arabic becoming the dominant language and Islamic calligraphy adorning mosques and buildings. These examples demonstrate how religion serves as a foundational pillar in shaping various aspects of culture, from social structure to artistic expression, leaving an indelible mark on societies over time. To understand the impact of religion on culture, one can study the history, practices, and teachings of a particular religion, and explore their influence on various aspects of society and individual lives. By examining religious texts, traditions, and the way they are interpreted and practiced in specific cultures, one can gain insights into the intricate relationship between religion and culture.