Crystal left home at 4 AM since she had to drive to Atlanta for meeting

To calculate the time it takes for Crystal to drive to Atlanta for her meeting, we need to know the distance between her home and Atlanta, as well as the average speed at which she drives.

Let's assume that the distance between her home and Atlanta is 200 miles. Now, let's also assume that her average driving speed is 60 miles per hour.

To find the time it takes for Crystal to drive to Atlanta, we can use the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed

Plugging in the values, we get:
Time = 200 miles / 60 miles per hour

Dividing the distance (200 miles) by the speed (60 miles per hour), we find that it should take approximately 3.33 hours for Crystal to drive to Atlanta.

So, if Crystal left home at 4 AM, we can calculate the time she will arrive at Atlanta by adding the travel time to her departure time:
Arrival Time = Departure Time + Travel Time
Arrival Time = 4 AM + 3.33 hours

Calculating the arrival time, Crystal is expected to arrive in Atlanta at around 7:20 AM.

Please note that these calculations are based on the assumptions of distance and average driving speed. Actual travel times may vary depending on factors such as traffic conditions and any potential stops Crystal may make along the way.