Early Exploration Unit Test

4 of 124 of 12 Items
Why did Juan Ponce de Leon explore present-day Florida?(1 point)

to claim Florida for the Italians

to find the fountain of youth

to claim North America for the Portuguese

to find gold

To find the answer to this question, we can eliminate the options that are not correct.

First, we can eliminate the option "to claim Florida for the Italians." This is not true because Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish explorer, not Italian.

Next, we can eliminate the option "to claim North America for the Portuguese." This is not true because Juan Ponce de Leon was not exploring on behalf of the Portuguese.

Now we are left with two options: "to find the fountain of youth" and "to find gold." We need to determine which of these options is the correct reason for Juan Ponce de Leon's exploration of present-day Florida.

To do this, we can analyze historical records and primary sources about Juan Ponce de Leon's journey. According to historical accounts, Juan Ponce de Leon was searching for the fountain of youth. This legendary fountain was said to possess magical properties that would grant eternal youth to anyone who drank from it. Juan Ponce de Leon believed that the fountain could be located in the newly discovered lands of the Americas, and he focused his exploration efforts in present-day Florida in search of it.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "Why did Juan Ponce de Leon explore present-day Florida?" is "to find the fountain of youth."