Which is a conclusion?(1 point)

A conclusion is a statement or judgment reached after considering the evidence or facts. In order to determine a conclusion, you typically need to evaluate the information provided and draw a logical inference or decision based on those facts. Conclusions often summarize the main findings or results of an investigation, experiment, or argument.

To identify a conclusion, you can look for indicators such as signal words like "therefore," "thus," "consequently," or "as a result." Additionally, a conclusion may present a final opinion, recommendation, or resolution based on the information presented.

Without a specific context or text provided, it is difficult to give a specific example. However, here is a simple example:

Statement: "The results of the study showed that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%."

Conclusion: "Therefore, it is recommended that individuals engage in regular exercise to maintain good heart health."

In this example, the conclusion is drawn based on the information provided in the statement and presents a recommendation based on the results of the study.