What was Muhammads role in establishing and spreading islam?

Muhammad, also known as the Prophet Muhammad, played a crucial role in establishing and spreading Islam. Here's how:

1. Proclamation of Prophethood: In 610 CE, at the age of 40, Muhammad received the first revelation from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. He was chosen as the last and final prophet to convey the message of Islam to humanity.

2. Preaching and Conversion in Mecca: Initially, Muhammad preached to his immediate family and close friends, gradually expanding his message to the wider community in Mecca. He called for belief in the oneness of Allah, rejection of idol worship, and the importance of ethical conduct.

3. Persecution and Migration to Medina: As opposition to Muhammad's message grew in Mecca, he and his followers faced persecution. In 622 CE, they migrated to Medina, where Muhammad was welcomed and established the first Islamic state. This migration, known as the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

4. Consolidation of Power in Medina: In Medina, Muhammad formed alliances with local tribes, creating a unified community of Muslims known as the ummah. He became a political and religious leader, establishing a constitution that ensured fairness and justice for all residents, regardless of faith.

5. Military and Defensive Campaigns: As the Islamic community grew and faced external threats from Mecca and other tribes, Muhammad led military campaigns to defend the ummah. These campaigns were primarily defensive in nature, aimed at protecting Muslims and spreading the message of Islam.

6. Conquest of Mecca: In 630 CE, Muhammad and his followers peacefully conquered Mecca, the city of his birth, ending years of persecution and establishing Islam as the predominant religion in the Arabian Peninsula.

7. Expansion of Islam: Following Muhammad's death in 632 CE, his companions continued to spread the message of Islam to neighboring regions and beyond. Through a combination of military campaigns, diplomacy, and trade, Islam gradually spread across regions such as the Middle East, North Africa, Spain, Persia, and beyond.

Muhammad's exemplary life, teachings, and leadership were key factors in the establishment and early spread of Islam. Today, he is highly revered and considered the final prophet of Islam.