subject and verb agreement, quick check answers?

To ensure subject and verb agreement, it is important to make sure that the subject and verb in a sentence match in terms of number (singular or plural). Here are some quick tips to check if your subject and verb agree:

1. Identify the subject: Determine who or what is performing the action in the sentence.
Example: "The dog barks loudly."

2. Determine the number of the subject: Decide if the subject is singular or plural.
Example: "The dog" is singular.

3. Match the verb form: Select the appropriate verb form that agrees with the subject in terms of number.
Example: In this case, "barks" is the correct verb form for the singular subject "dog."

Here are some additional examples:

- Singular Subject: "He walks to school." (Subject: "He" ; Verb: "walks")
- Plural Subject: "They eat dinner together." (Subject: "They" ; Verb: "eat")

To check if your subject and verb agree, ask yourself these questions:
- Does the verb match the subject in terms of number?
- If the subject is singular, is the verb in its singular form?
- If the subject is plural, is the verb in its plural form?

It's always a good idea to proofread your sentences and double-check for subject-verb agreement to ensure clarity and grammatical correctness.