When it is 9:00am on Munich,west Germany (long.11°E),what will be the time in Calcutta,India (long. 96°E)?

To calculate the time difference between two locations, you need to know the time zones of each location and then calculate the time difference based on their longitudinal difference.

Munich, Germany is in the Central European Time (CET) zone, which is UTC+1:00 during standard time and UTC+2:00 during daylight saving time.

Calcutta, India is in the Indian Standard Time (IST) zone, which is UTC+5:30 all year round.

The longitudinal difference between Munich (11°E) and Calcutta (96°E) is 85°. Since every 15° corresponds to a time zone difference of 1 hour, we can calculate the time difference between Munich and Calcutta as follows:

85° / 15° = 5 hours and 40 minutes.

Munich is west of Calcutta, so to find the time in Calcutta when it is 9:00am in Munich, you need to add the calculated time difference to Munich's time.

9:00am + 5 hours and 40 minutes = 2:40pm.

Therefore, when it is 9:00am in Munich, Germany (11°E), it will be 2:40pm in Calcutta, India (96°E).