which word descirbes what is used to connect phrases sentences paragraphs or overall ideas in writing

The word that describes what is used to connect phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or overall ideas in writing is "transitions" or "transition words."

Transition words are words or phrases that help create connections between different parts of a text. They play a crucial role in improving the flow and coherence of a piece of writing. By using transition words effectively, writers can guide their readers through their thoughts and ideas, making the text more organized and understandable.

To identify and use transition words correctly, you can follow these steps:
1. Read your writing carefully: Pay attention to where your writing needs better coherence or where you feel the need to create a smoother transition between ideas.
2. Analyze the relationship between your ideas: Consider how one idea relates to the next. Do they contrast, compare, support, or provide additional information?
3. Choose appropriate transition words: Select the transition words that best convey the relationship you want to establish between your ideas. Some common examples include "however," "moreover," "in addition," "on the other hand," "thus," and "therefore." There are many more, so it's important to choose the ones that fit your specific context and purpose.
4. Place the transition words correctly: Transition words can be placed at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a sentence, depending on the desired effect and clarity. Experiment and revise as needed.

Remember, using transition words is not just about adding them randomly, but rather using them purposefully to enhance the structure and coherence of your writing.