How can Haiti be better prepared for future earthquakes?

1. Improve building codes and enforcement: Haiti should adopt and enforce building codes that are designed to withstand earthquakes. This includes ensuring that all new buildings are constructed to meet seismic safety standards, and that existing buildings are retrofitted to meet these standards.

2. Increase public awareness: The Haitian government should increase public awareness of earthquake safety and preparedness. This includes providing information on how to prepare for an earthquake, what to do during an earthquake, and how to respond after an earthquake.

3. Develop an early warning system: An early warning system can provide valuable information to the public about an impending earthquake. This can help people take appropriate action to protect themselves and their property.

4. Improve emergency response: The Haitian government should improve its emergency response capabilities. This includes having an effective plan in place to respond to an earthquake, as well as having the necessary resources and personnel to carry out the plan.

5. Strengthen infrastructure: The Haitian government should invest in strengthening its infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and power lines, to make them more resilient to earthquakes. This will help reduce the damage caused by an earthquake and make it easier for emergency responders to access affected areas.