Write a program named Initials that displays your initials in a pattern on the screen. Compose each initial with six lines of smaller initials

To write a program named "Initials" that displays your initials in a pattern on the screen, you can use a combination of loops and string manipulation in most programming languages. Here's an example in Python to achieve this:

def initials():
initials = input("Enter your initials: ")

# Define the pattern for each initial using smaller initials
initials_pattern = {
'A': [' A ', 'A A', 'AAA', 'A A', 'A A', 'A A'],
'B': ['BB ', 'B B', 'BB ', 'B B', 'B B', 'BB '],
'C': [' CC', 'C ', 'C ', 'C ', 'C ', ' CC'],
# Define patterns for other initials in a similar manner...

# Display the pattern on the screen
for row in range(6):
for char in initials:
print(initials_pattern[char][row], end=' ')


In this example, the `initials()` function prompts the user to enter their initials and defines a dictionary `initials_pattern` that contains the patterns for each initial. These patterns are represented using smaller initials.

The function then uses nested loops to iterate over each row and each character in the initials. It looks up the corresponding pattern for the current character from the dictionary and prints it on the screen.

By running this program and entering your own initials, it will display the initials in the specified pattern. You can modify the `initials_pattern` dictionary or add more patterns for other initials as needed.