How can a free press hold the government accountable?

A. hosting opinion panels
B. offering prior restraint
C. accessing classified information
D. summarizing government actions

Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select all that apply.

A. effects of new laws
B. stock market reports
C. reports of world events
D. coverage of primary speeches
E. discussions of health problems
F. investigations of corporations


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The answer is C. Accessing classified information. A free press can hold the government accountable by accessing classified or sensitive information and reporting on it to the public. This can expose any wrongdoing or unethical behavior by the government and help ensure transparency and accountability. However, this must be done responsibly and within the limits of the law to protect national security and individual privacy. Additionally, summarizing government actions can also help to hold the government accountable by keeping the public informed and aware of their actions.

A. Effects of new laws and D. Coverage of primary speeches are the news stories that have the most direct influence on the political process. While stock market reports, reports of world events, discussions of health problems, and investigations of corporations can be relevant and important topics, they typically do not have as direct of an impact on the political process as the effects of new laws and coverage of primary speeches. The effects of new laws can shape policy and impact the lives of citizens, while coverage of primary speeches can shape public opinion and influence election outcomes.



A free press plays a crucial role in holding the government accountable by providing information and promoting transparency. Here's how each of the options you mentioned contributes to this accountability:

A. Hosting opinion panels: Opinion panels allow experts and commentators to openly discuss and analyze government actions. By providing various perspectives, the free press fosters critical thinking and encourages public discourse, thereby holding the government accountable for its decisions and policies.

B. Offering prior restraint: Prior restraint refers to the government's ability to censor or limit the publication of certain information before it is released to the public. In a free press environment, it is essential that the government does not have the power to exercise prior restraint, as it could suppress or manipulate news that could expose its wrongdoings or hold it accountable.

C. Accessing classified information: Journalists often rely on classified information to uncover important stories that the government may be keeping hidden from the public. A free press ensures that journalists have the legal protection and access to such information, allowing them to shed light on government actions and hold officials accountable for any misconduct or lack of transparency.

D. Summarizing government actions: The free press summarizes and reports on government actions, policies, and decisions to keep the public informed. By providing unbiased and reliable information, the press helps citizens hold their government accountable by staying aware of what is happening and facilitating discussions and debates on issues of public importance.

In conclusion, a free press holds the government accountable through a combination of providing a platform for diverse opinions, protecting against prior restraint, accessing classified information, and summarizing government actions.