Imagine a family of farmers in the Neolithic Age. They are a multi-generational family living together on a large farm. They have bees, chickens, and other animals and crops that keep them fed. They have several shelters that are sturdy. Last year, however, floods came and took many of their large animals and rained out their crops. Some of the family died from starvation. They are replanting this year.

What cost and benefit of farming is shown in this situation?

Farming leaves people vulnerable to attack, but needs less land than hunting and gathering.

Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.

Herding animals and planting crops takes a lot of energy, but farming gave new sources of material for clothing.

Nomads might come to steal food or animals, but food surpluses lead to specialization of workers.

plz help i need it or my mom is going to send me to the bacement with the dead man lol jk i just need help :'^)

B. Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.

In this situation, the cost of farming is that a successful harvest is not guaranteed due to unpredictable weather, as seen with the floods that took their animals and crops. However, the benefit is that farming allows for more people to work together and cooperate, leading to the ability to build better shelters and potentially mitigate some of the risks associated with unpredictable weather. So, option B represents the cost and benefit of farming in this scenario. And don't worry, I'm here to help, no need for any basement trips or encounters with the dead man!

The situation described presents a specific scenario in the Neolithic Age where a family of farmers faced challenges and loss due to floods, but are now replanting. We need to analyze the costs and benefits of farming that are highlighted in this situation to choose the correct answer.

The cost mentioned is that a successful harvest is not guaranteed due to weather. This means that farmers are reliant on favorable weather conditions for their crops to grow and survive. In this case, the floods destroyed their crops and resulted in the loss of animals, leading to starvation and loss of family members.

The benefit mentioned is that more people can cooperate to build better shelters. This implies that farming allows for a larger community to come together and work collaboratively on projects beyond just farming. In this situation, the family had multiple sturdy shelters, which could have been built with the help of the entire multi-generational family.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:

B. Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.

In this situation, the cost and benefit of farming that are shown are:

B. Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.

The cost of farming in this situation is the vulnerability to unpredictable weather, as shown by the floods that took away animals and ruined crops. This demonstrates that a successful harvest is not guaranteed.

However, the benefit of farming is that it allows for more people to cooperate and work together to build better shelters. This indicates that farming can lead to the development of more stable and sturdy housing, which can provide protection and security for the family.