practice: test part 1: test part 2:

1. 89 prime 1.135,205,330,275,365 1. essay: this answer would be solved this way 10h+6+5h+3 10h+9+5h
2.93 composite 2.1,4 and 7 answer: 3{5h+3}
3. 2 and 3 3.1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30 2. essay: this would be solved this way 20k+50
4. 3x5x5 4.81 answer 10{2k+5}
5.2x2x2x5 5.2x2x2x3x3x3x3x5
6.7x13 6. 20
7.6 7. 6
100 percent right ;)

sorry if it bunched up its the practice test in the in test part 1 and test part 2