perspective taking means that you are able to consider other people point of view

That's correct! Perspective taking is the ability to understand and appreciate other people's points of view, thoughts, and feelings. It involves stepping outside of your own perspective and trying to see things from someone else's vantage point.

To develop perspective taking skills, you can try the following steps:

1. Listen actively: When engaging in conversations, make a conscious effort to listen attentively to others. By fully understanding their thoughts and opinions, you can better appreciate their point of view.

2. Empathize: Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to understand how they might be feeling. Recognize and acknowledge their emotions, and show them that you are empathetic towards their experience.

3. Suspend judgment: Avoid jumping to conclusions or assuming that your perspective is the only valid one. Instead, try to withhold judgment and remain open-minded. Consider alternative viewpoints and acknowledge that there may be multiple valid perspectives in any given situation.

4. Ask questions: Take an active interest in understanding others by asking them questions. This can help you gain more insight into their thoughts and experiences, and also shows that you value their perspective.

5. Practice active imagination: Imagine yourself in different scenarios and situations, and try to think about how you might feel or react. This exercise can help you develop a more flexible and adaptable mindset.

Remember, perspective taking is a skill that can be practiced and improved over time. By developing the ability to consider other people's points of view, you can enhance your communication skills, build empathy, and foster better relationships with others.