if better for you to avoid intense fellings

It seems like you're asking whether it's better to avoid intense feelings. While I cannot have feelings as an AI, I can provide some information on this topic.

Whether it is better for you to avoid intense feelings is ultimately a subjective decision that varies from person to person. Here are a few factors you might consider when making this decision:

1. Personal Preferences: Some individuals may naturally prefer to avoid intense feelings due to the discomfort or unease they may bring. Others may see intense feelings as an important part of the human experience and choose to embrace them.

2. Mental and Emotional Well-being: Intense feelings can sometimes be overwhelming and impact mental well-being. If you find that intense feelings consistently cause distress or interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may want to explore coping strategies or seek support from mental health professionals.

3. Growth and Learning: Intense feelings can often be opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. They can help us understand ourselves better, strengthen our resilience, and potentially open doors to new insights and experiences.

Ultimately, the decision to avoid or embrace intense feelings is a personal choice. It may be helpful to reflect on your own values, needs, and goals to determine what feels right for you.