Which of the following would be an example of a primary source?

c. A soldier's letter home from war

When you focus on an illogically extreme example of your opponent's position, which propaganda technique are you using?
d. Strawman

Which type of propaganda is this poster using?
A. Appeal to fear

Why was the fourteenth amendment necessary?
B.States were not guaranteeing full citizenship rights to former slaves.

Which statement best summarizes the goal of government that james madison explained in federalists No. 10?
D. Government should respond to the will of majority without abolishing the liberties of minorities.

Which statement is a fact?
D. George washington was the first president.

7. its an essay but here is what they expect from you.

Students should explain that the Incorporation Doctrine forces state and local governments to safeguard basic rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other rights. It can be used to check the power of state and local governments that might otherwise restrict individual liberties. Once specific example of its use came in the 1925 Supreme Court case Gitlow v. New York, which stated that First Amendment rights apply to the states as well as to the national government.

This is for Unit 2, lesson 8 Primary and Secondary sources.
I am truly sorry if your questions aren't the same, unfortunately I can't help with that. <3

To determine if something is a primary source, you need to consider if it is a firsthand account of an event or topic. In the case of the options provided, a soldier's letter home from war would be an example of a primary source because it is written by someone who directly experienced the war.

When you focus on an illogically extreme example of your opponent's position in an argument, you are using the propaganda technique known as a strawman. This involves exaggerating or misrepresenting the opposing position in order to make it easier to attack.

The poster that uses an appeal to fear as a form of propaganda is employing a technique that aims to instill fear or anxiety in the audience. Examples of this technique often include menacing images, warnings about potential dangers, or exaggerated consequences.

The fourteenth amendment was necessary because states were not guaranteeing full citizenship rights to former slaves. This amendment, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves, and provided them with equal protection under the law.

The goal of government that James Madison explained in Federalist No. 10 is that government should respond to the will of the majority without abolishing the liberties of minorities. Madison argued for a representative government that could prevent the majority from oppressing minority rights, while still addressing the interests and concerns of the majority.

The statement "George Washington was the first president" is a fact. This is a historical event that can be verified through reliable sources and records.

In Unit 2, Lesson 8 of the Primary and Secondary Sources study, it states that the Incorporation Doctrine forces state and local governments to safeguard basic rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. This doctrine ensures that rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other individual liberties are protected by the state and local governments. An example of its use is the Supreme Court case Gitlow v. New York in 1925, which established that First Amendment rights apply to both the state and national governments.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the answers to your questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.