U-shaped valleys provide evidence of which process?(1



To determine the process that U-shaped valleys provide evidence of, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand what a U-shaped valley is.
A U-shaped valley is a type of glacial landform that is carved out by glaciers. It is characterized by its steep, straight sides and a broad, flat bottom, which gives it a "U" shape.

Step 2: Consider the different processes that can form valleys.
There are various processes that can form valleys, such as fluvial (formed by rivers), tectonic (formed by earth movements), and glacial (formed by glaciers).

Step 3: Assess the characteristics of a U-shaped valley.
U-shaped valleys are mainly formed by the erosive action of glaciers. Glaciers are massive sheets of ice that move slowly over time due to the force of gravity. They have the ability to shape and reshape the landscape by eroding the land beneath them.

Step 4: Determine the answer.
Given that U-shaped valleys are specifically formed by glaciers, the process that they provide evidence of is glaciation.

Therefore, the answer to your question is "glaciation." U-shaped valleys provide evidence of the glacial process.