Your client is 84 and has rheumatoid arthritis. Each week the RN distributes her medication for

each day in a docette. Today your client’s joints seem very inflamed and she asks you to open her
docette for her.

To open the docette for your client, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the docette container, which is a small plastic box or blister pack with compartments for each day of the week.

2. Look for the day of the week that you are currently in. This may be labeled on the top of the container or on the individual compartments.

3. Once you have located the correct day, gently press on the back or the individual compartment to release the medication. Some docettes have a push-through mechanism that releases the medication without needing to open the compartment.

4. If the docette has a protective foil or covering over the compartments, you may need to peel it back or remove it in order to access the medication.

5. Take out the prescribed medication for that particular day and hand it to your client. Make sure to handle the medication with clean hands and avoid any contact with the actual pill or tablet.

6. If your client has difficulty opening the medication packaging, you can offer assistance by tearing open the foil or popping the pill out of the blister pack, but be sure to avoid any direct contact with the medication.

7. After your client has taken the medication, securely close the docette to keep the remaining medications safe until the next day.

Remember to always be gentle and careful while handling someone else's medication. If you have concerns about your client's inflamed joints, it would be best to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a nurse or doctor, to ensure appropriate care is provided.