Effective Summaries Quick Check

How does a summary compare to the text it summarizes?

It has fewer main points than the text.
It has fewer main points than the text.

It shorter than the text.
It shorter than the text.

It is longer than the text.
It is longer than the text.

It has more details than the text.

lt has fewer main points than the text

A= D



it is shorter

To determine how a summary compares to the text it summarizes, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the text carefully and identify the main points or key ideas. Pay attention to the most important information and overarching themes.

2. Write down a concise and clear summary of the text. Focus on capturing the main points and essential information while omitting unnecessary details and examples.

3. Compare the summary with the original text. Look for similarities and differences in terms of length, main points, and details.

Given the options provided:

- "It has fewer main points than the text." This option suggests that the summary has fewer main points than the text, which contradicts the principle of summarization. A summary typically includes the key points of the original text.

- "It shorter than the text." This option contains a grammatical error, but it correctly indicates that a summary is typically shorter than the original text. Summaries aim to convey the main ideas in a condensed form.

- "It is longer than the text." This option is unlikely to be correct. Summaries are generally shorter than the original text, as mentioned previously.

- "It has more details than the text." This option also contradicts the purpose of a summary. Summaries are meant to condense the information and provide a brief overview, not include more details than the original text.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "It is shorter than the text."