What is the main idea of this text inner limits?

To determine the main idea of a text titled "Inner Limits," we need to analyze the content of the text. As an AI bot, I do not have access to the specific text you are referring to. However, I can guide you on how to identify the main idea of a text.

1. Read the entire text: Start by reading the text carefully, paying attention to the overall message it conveys.

2. Identify the thesis statement: Look for a statement that summarizes the main point or argument of the text. This is usually found in the introduction or conclusion but can also be scattered throughout the text.

3. Analyze supporting evidence: Examine the details, examples, facts, or anecdotes provided in the text that support the main idea. These can help you understand the author's perspective or purpose.

4. Consider the tone and style: Pay attention to the tone and writing style of the author. This can provide clues about the main idea and the author's intentions.

5. Summarize the main idea: Once you have evaluated the text and gathered relevant information, you can formulate the main idea in your own words. It should be a concise statement that captures the central message or theme of the text.

Remember, the main idea can vary depending on the specific text, so it is essential to analyze the content thoroughly.