What’s an aura Xantos strategy that used to riding him for marginal essay in about why is it important to wear sunscreen

To construct an essay about why it is important to wear sunscreen, you can use an AURA strategy. "AURA" stands for:

1. Analyze the Prompt: Begin by thoroughly understanding the prompt and determining what exactly needs to be addressed in your essay. In this case, the prompt is asking about the importance of wearing sunscreen.

2. Understand the Topic: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the topic. Research and gather information about the harmful effects of the sun's rays on the skin and why wearing sunscreen is necessary.

3. Brainstorm and Outline: Jot down key points, ideas, and arguments related to the topic of sunscreen. Organize these points in a logical order to create a well-structured essay. You can start with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs that discuss the importance of wearing sunscreen, and conclude with a summary.

4. Research and Support: Conduct research to gather credible and reliable sources that support your claims. Include statistics, facts, and expert opinions to strengthen your arguments. Ensure that your sources are reputable, such as scientific journals, medical websites, or reports from credible organizations.

5. Write and Revise: Begin writing your essay, starting with an engaging introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of why wearing sunscreen is important, such as protection against skin cancer, preventing premature aging, or avoiding sunburns. Use transitional phrases to guide the reader through your essay. Conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and reinforcing the importance of sunscreen.

Remember to revise your essay after completion. Check for grammar and spelling errors, clarity of ideas, and overall structure. Read it aloud to ensure the essay flows smoothly.

By following this AURA strategy, you will have a well-researched and well-organized essay that effectively conveys the importance of wearing sunscreen.