Ban Zhao’s Admonitions for Women discusses humility, one of the seven womanly virtues

according to the author. According to the reading, how are humility, industriousness, and
continuing the sacrifices symbolically demonstrated with 3-day-old girls? What does each of
these traits mean according to Ban Zhao?

To understand how humility, industriousness, and continuing sacrifices are symbolically demonstrated with 3-day-old girls according to Ban Zhao, we need to refer to Ban Zhao's work, "Admonitions for Women."

Firstly, humility is one of the seven womanly virtues according to Ban Zhao. She explains that from a young age, girls should be taught to be humble and modest. This includes dressing simply, avoiding arrogance, and being respectful towards others. In the context of 3-day-old girls, Ban Zhao suggests that the child's demeanor and behavior should be humble, exemplified by their calmness and lack of fussiness. This portrays the idea that girls should be content with their circumstances and not seek attention or status.

Secondly, industriousness is another trait Ban Zhao emphasizes. She suggests that parents should teach their daughters to be hardworking and diligent. In the case of 3-day-old girls, Ban Zhao recommends observing their activity level and responsiveness. A child who is alert and displays a strong desire to interact with their surroundings is seen as a sign of future industriousness. This suggests that girls should be encouraged to actively engage in tasks, develop skills, and contribute to their family and society.

Lastly, continuing the sacrifices is an important concept in Ban Zhao's teachings. In Chinese culture, sacrifices were made to ancestors and deities as a part of religious and spiritual practices. Ban Zhao argues that girls should embody this virtue by being obedient and dutiful within their family. With regards to 3-day-old girls, Ban Zhao suggests that their response to being nourished and fed should be observed. If they consume food or milk without fussiness or resistance, it indicates a potential for future obedience and willingness to fulfill their duties within the family.

Overall, for Ban Zhao, humility means being modest and avoiding arrogance, industriousness means being hardworking and diligent, and continuing the sacrifices means being obedient and dutiful. These virtues are symbolically demonstrated with 3-day-old girls through their demeanor, activity level, and response to nourishment, which give insights into their potential future character traits.