O the do marking being assigned to the first note of a scale, no matter which pitch it starts on.

O the do marking being fixed on middle C, and all other notes are based off of it.

O the do marking being used multiple times in a scale.

Oeach note receiving a do marking.

2. A moveable do refers to (1 point)

A moveable do refers to the do marking being assigned to the first note of a scale, no matter which pitch it starts on.

To understand this concept, it's helpful to have some knowledge of solfege, a system that assigns syllables to different pitches in a musical scale. The basic solfege syllables are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti. In a moveable do system, the syllable "do" is assigned to the first note of a scale, regardless of the actual pitch of the note.

For example, in the key of C major, the first note of the scale is C, and it would be called "do." But in the key of D major, the first note is D, and it would also be called "do" in a moveable do system.

This approach allows musicians to easily translate solfege syllables to different keys and scales, making it easier to sing or sight-read music in different tonalities.