What's the triangle on tape measure for?

The triangle on a tape measure is used to mark the center of a line or object. It is also used to measure the distance between two points.

The triangle-shaped marking on a tape measure is commonly known as a "scribe triangle" or "joist marking triangle". It serves as a reference point for making consistent and accurate markings when measuring and marking the location of studs or joists on a wall or surface.

To use the triangle, follow these steps:

1. Extend the tape measure along the surface you want to mark.
2. Locate the desired measurement on the tape measure.
3. Align the edge of the triangle with that measurement on the tape.
4. Press down on the triangle, ensuring it stays in place.
5. Slide the tape measure out from behind the triangle.
6. At the desired location, use a pencil or marker to mark the surface through the opening of the triangle. This will indicate the precise measurement.

The scribe triangle helps you avoid the need to fumble for a nearby ruler when marking measurements. It's a convenient feature that promotes accuracy and efficiency in construction, carpentry, or any task that requires precise measuring and marking.

The triangle on a tape measure is commonly referred to as the "diamond" or "black diamond" and is used for making marks or measurements. It is a 45-degree angle, which means that it can be used to make perfect 45-degree angle marks or measurements when placed against a corner or edge. This can be useful for tasks such as marking angles for cuts or locating midpoints on a line.