Do you get an equation sheet for the FE exam?

Yes, you are provided with an equation sheet to reference during the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. The equation sheet includes a collection of commonly used formulas and equations that you may need to solve various problems on the exam.

To access the equation sheet, you can visit the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website. There, you will find a downloadable and printable version of the equation sheet specific to your discipline.

It's important to familiarize yourself with the equation sheet beforehand and understand how to apply the formulas in different scenarios. However, it is also recommended to study and review the fundamental concepts and principles behind these formulas, as having a clear understanding of the concepts will help you solve problems more effectively.

Keep in mind that the equation sheet provided is comprehensive but may not include every formula or equation that can potentially be asked on the exam. Therefore, it is still essential to study and understand the multiple topics and concepts covered in the exam's syllabus.