Determine the number of moles of each specified atom or ion in the given samples of the following compunds.( Hint: the formula tells you how many atoms or ions are in each molecule of formula unit.)

a. O atom in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2

b. C atom in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2

c. O atom in 2.2222x10^24 molecules of CO2

You need to know one piece of information for these problems. That is as follows:

There are 6.02 x 10^23 atoms in a mole of atoms or 6.02 x 10^23 molecules in a mole of molecules (actually there are 6.02 x 10^23 in a mole of anything).
So in 3.161 x 10^21 molecules of CO2 there are 3.161 molecules x (1 mole CO2/6.02 x 10^23 molecules CO2)= ?? moles CO2. Then multiply that by 2 to find the moles of O in CO2.
The others are done th same way.

si this is how you do a correct

To determine the number of moles of a specified atom or ion in a given sample, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the compound and the specified atom or ion of interest.
2. Determine the formula unit of the compound and the number of atoms or ions present in each formula unit.
3. Convert the given number of molecules to moles using Avogadro's number (6.0221 x 10^23 molecules/mol).
4. Multiply the moles by the number of atoms or ions in each formula unit to determine the number of moles of the specified atom or ion in the given sample.

Now let's solve the given questions:

a. O atom in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2:

The formula unit of CO2 consists of one carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O). Therefore, there are 2 oxygen atoms in each CO2 molecule.

Step 1: Compound and specified atom/ion = CO2, O atom
Step 2: Number of oxygen atoms in each formula unit = 2

Step 3: Conversion of molecules to moles:
Given number of molecules = 3.161x10^21 molecules
Moles = (number of molecules) / (Avogadro's number)
Moles = (3.161x10^21) / (6.0221x10^23 mol^-1) ≈ 0.00525 mol

Step 4: Calculation of the number of moles of O atom:
Number of moles of O atom = (moles of CO2) × (number of O atoms in each CO2 molecule)
Number of moles of O atom = 0.00525 mol × 2 ≈ 0.0105 mol

Therefore, there are approximately 0.0105 moles of O atoms in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2.

b. C atom in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2:

The formula unit of CO2 consists of one carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O). Therefore, there is 1 carbon atom in each CO2 molecule.

Step 1: Compound and specified atom/ion = CO2, C atom
Step 2: Number of carbon atoms in each formula unit = 1

Step 3: Conversion of molecules to moles:
Given number of molecules = 3.161x10^21 molecules
Moles = (number of molecules) / (Avogadro's number)
Moles = (3.161x10^21) / (6.0221x10^23 mol^-1) ≈ 0.00525 mol

Step 4: Calculation of the number of moles of C atom:
Number of moles of C atom = (moles of CO2) × (number of C atoms in each CO2 molecule)
Number of moles of C atom = 0.00525 mol × 1 ≈ 0.00525 mol

Therefore, there are approximately 0.00525 moles of C atoms in 3.161x10^21 molecules of CO2.

c. O atom in 2.2222x10^24 molecules of CO2:

The formula unit of CO2 consists of one carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O). Therefore, there are 2 oxygen atoms in each CO2 molecule.

Step 1: Compound and specified atom/ion = CO2, O atom
Step 2: Number of oxygen atoms in each formula unit = 2

Step 3: Conversion of molecules to moles:
Given number of molecules = 2.2222x10^24 molecules
Moles = (number of molecules) / (Avogadro's number)
Moles = (2.2222x10^24) / (6.0221x10^23 mol^-1) ≈ 3.685 mol

Step 4: Calculation of the number of moles of O atom:
Number of moles of O atom = (moles of CO2) × (number of O atoms in each CO2 molecule)
Number of moles of O atom = 3.685 mol × 2 ≈ 7.37 mol

Therefore, there are approximately 7.37 moles of O atoms in 2.2222x10^24 molecules of CO2.