Northern Eurasia quick Chek what was the primary purpose of the silk road

C do you engage in trade with other nations
D she conquered the Black Sea coast in parts of Poland
B unrest among the poor grew

100% I guarantee it

Ok Tysm Lucy :)

This wasn't really a question more like an answer but ok.

Thanks GUY'S. I really appreciate it.

tyyyyyy lucyyyyy

To determine the primary purpose of the Silk Road, we need to look at the options provided: (A) promoted cultural exchange, (B) unrest among the poor grew, (C) engage in trade with other nations, and (D) she conquered the Black Sea coast in parts of Poland.

The correct answer is (C) engage in trade with other nations.

To further explain how one can arrive at this answer, the Silk Road was a network of trade routes that spanned across Northern Eurasia, connecting various regions and civilizations such as China, India, Persia, and the Roman Empire. It facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, technologies, and cultural practices between the East and the West. Therefore, the primary purpose of the Silk Road was to foster and facilitate trade between different nations and civilizations.