who had the power to resolve the dispute between new Hampshire and new York regarding Vermont

1)A: No one

2)B: Leaders believed that in order to achieve Independence,there should be national government.
3)D: A convention to revise the Articles of Confederation
4) B&C: Its provided a procedure & It established laws

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The power to resolve disputes between states in the United States lies with the Supreme Court. In the case of the dispute between New Hampshire and New York regarding Vermont, it was the Supreme Court's responsibility to resolve the matter.

To find out who had the power to resolve the dispute between New Hampshire and New York regarding Vermont, we need to look into the historical context.

In the late 18th century, both New Hampshire and New York claimed jurisdiction over the territory of Vermont. The dispute arose due to conflicting land charters and claims from both colonies.

To resolve this dispute, Congress played a significant role. At that time, the United States was governed by the Articles of Confederation, which established a weak central government. Congress had limited powers, including the authority to resolve disputes between states.

In 1780, Vermont applied for admission to the United States as a separate state. However, due to the ongoing conflict between New Hampshire and New York, Vermont remained an independent republic for several years.

Finally, in 1791, Congress passed an act admitting Vermont to the Union as the 14th state. This act recognized the sovereignty of Vermont and resolved the dispute between New Hampshire and New York. Therefore, the power to resolve the dispute ultimately rested with the United States Congress.