What step did the artist clearly use when drawing this image?

• two vanishing points
• only orthogonal lines
• imagery in the background larger than in the foreground
• imagery in the foreground lighter than in the background

To determine the step the artist clearly used when drawing the image, you need to analyze the characteristics of the image itself. Let's break down each option:

1. Two vanishing points: This refers to the usage of perspective in the image. Look for converging lines that meet at two distinct points on the horizon. If these points are present, then the artist likely used two vanishing points to create depth in the drawing.

2. Only orthogonal lines: Orthogonal lines are straight lines that are perpendicular to the picture plane. Look for lines that are perfectly horizontal, vertical, or diagonal in the image. If the artist exclusively used orthogonal lines, then this step was likely utilized.

3. Imagery in the background larger than in the foreground: Assess the relative sizes of the objects or elements in the image. If the objects in the background are larger in proportion to those in the foreground, then the artist employed this step as a means of creating distance and depth.

4. Imagery in the foreground lighter than in the background: Observe the value or intensity of color in different areas of the image. If the objects in the foreground are depicted with lighter tones compared to those in the background, this technique was used to enhance the sense of depth.

By carefully observing these attributes in the image, you can determine which step the artist clearly used during the drawing process.