Which options identify key differences between Catholic and humanist ideologies during the Renaissance?

To identify key differences between Catholic and humanist ideologies during the Renaissance, you can compare the fundamental beliefs and values of both.

1. Religious vs. Human-Centered: Catholicism emphasized religious doctrines and the belief in God as the center of the universe. Humanism, on the other hand, focused on human pursuits, such as rediscovering classical Greek and Roman texts, promoting education, and celebrating human potential.

2. Authority: Catholicism established the Pope as the ultimate authority in matters of faith and doctrine. Humanism placed importance on individual reason, critical thinking, and personal autonomy in seeking truth.

3. Role of Scripture: Catholicism considered the Bible as the primary source of religious truth, and its interpretation was controlled by the Church. Humanism placed more emphasis on studying ancient philosophical and literary texts to gain knowledge and wisdom.

4. Salvation: Catholicism believed in the necessity of religious sacraments and devotion to the Church for salvation. Humanism, while often not openly rejecting religious beliefs, emphasized the importance of moral virtue, knowledge, and goodness for personal fulfillment.

5. Art and Expression: Catholic art of the Renaissance largely focused on religious themes and glorifying God. Humanist thinkers encouraged artists to explore secular subjects, human emotions, and display their craftsmanship.

Remember, these are general differences that may not apply to every individual or movement within Catholicism or Humanism during the Renaissance. It's essential to study specific historical figures and texts to get a comprehensive understanding of the variations within these ideologies.