At a particular restaurant, each onion ring has 40 calories and each chicken wing has 75 calories. A combination meal with onion rings and chicken wings has a total of 19 onion rings and chicken wings altogether and contains 970 calories. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of onion rings in the combination meal and the number of chicken wings in the combination meal. Define the variables that you use to write the system.

onion rings --- x

chicken wings ---- y

x + y = 19
40x + 75y = 970

Let's define the number of onion rings as 'x' and the number of chicken wings as 'y'. We can then set up a system of equations based on the given information.

1. The first equation represents the total number of onion rings and chicken wings:
x + y = 19

2. The second equation represents the total number of calories in the combination meal:
40x + 75y = 970

These two equations can be used to determine the number of onion rings and chicken wings in the combination meal.

Let's define the variables:

Let O represent the number of onion rings in the combination meal.
Let C represent the number of chicken wings in the combination meal.

According to the given information, each onion ring has 40 calories, so the total calories from onion rings is 40O.
Similarly, each chicken wing has 75 calories, so the total calories from chicken wings is 75C.

We also know that the total number of onion rings and chicken wings altogether is 19, so we have the equation:

O + C = 19

And we know that the combination meal contains a total of 970 calories, so we have the equation:

40O + 75C = 970

Therefore, the system of equations that could be used to determine the number of onion rings and chicken wings in the combination meal is:

O + C = 19

40O + 75C = 970