hello friendz~❤ (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

could somebody help me? (┬┬﹏┬┬)
i'm stuck on this question and need some help.....(°ー°〃)

(thank you to everyone and anyone who helps (✿◡‿◡) )
P.S the little "**" is what i chose

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

It happens way too often: oil leaking from wells beneath the ocean or tankers spilling their cargo into the waves. One disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Tyler spill, has been leaking hundreds of barrels of oil per day into the ocean for the past 14 years. While safety has not been made a priority, something can be done to clean up oil spills that does not involve pouring chemical cleanup agents into the already polluted waters. The question is, when will the oil industry embrace this effective, safe method?

Which sentence best summarizes the text?
A. the oil industry needs to work more more efficiently**
B. there is no reason that oil spills occur as often as they do
C. there is a smart solution to the ongoing problem of oil spills the industry
should use
D. the oil industry should focus on the fastest way to clean up oil spills

thank you for your help-!!! o(≧▽≦*)o

- ❤~Mochi~❤

To answer this question, we need to carefully read and understand the paragraph. The paragraph discusses the issue of oil spills and suggests that there is a safe and effective method to clean them up.

Let's analyze the options:

A. "The oil industry needs to work more efficiently" - This option does not accurately summarize the main point of the paragraph, which is about finding a safe method to clean up oil spills.

B. "There is no reason that oil spills occur as often as they do" - This option is not supported by the paragraph because it acknowledges that oil spills do happen frequently but highlights the need for a better clean-up method.

C. "There is a smart solution to the ongoing problem of oil spills the industry should use" - This option accurately represents the main point of the paragraph, which suggests that the oil industry should embrace a safe and effective method for cleaning up oil spills.

D. "The oil industry should focus on the fastest way to clean up oil spills" - While the paragraph does mention the need for clean-up, it specifically emphasizes using a safe method rather than the fastest.

Therefore, the best sentence that summarizes the text is C. "There is a smart solution to the ongoing problem of oil spills the industry should use."