In a paragraph, analyze how the American Revolution worsened the economic condition for many citizens. Consider the people who raised concerns about economic problems. Include the steps citizens took to address their economic problems.

To analyze how the American Revolution worsened the economic condition for many citizens, we need to examine the concerns raised by various groups affected by the conflict. The economic impact of the Revolution was significant as the war disrupted trade routes, destroyed infrastructure, and led to inflation. One group that suffered economically was the artisans and merchants who relied on imported goods. With trade disrupted, many lost their source of income and struggled to make ends meet. Farmers also faced problems, as they had supplied the British army but were left unpaid after the conflict. This led to farmers being burdened with debts and limited access to credit. To address these economic problems, citizens took several steps. One such approach was the formation of local committees or associations, which worked towards stimulating local economies by encouraging domestic production and consumption. Another step citizens took was demanding debt relief, as they organized protests and petitions to advocate for the cancellation or restructuring of debts. Overall, the American Revolution exacerbated economic conditions for many citizens, but it also galvanized them into action to find solutions and alleviate their hardships.