South Korea is a developed country. Which of these is a characteristic of a developed country?

A characteristic of a developed country is its high level of economic development and standard of living. Some key indicators of a developed country include:

1. High GDP per capita: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measures the total value of goods and services produced within a country. A developed country typically has a high GDP per capita, indicating a strong and diversified economy.

2. Advanced infrastructure: Developed countries tend to have well-developed infrastructure, including reliable transportation networks (roads, railways, airports), modern communication systems (internet connectivity, mobile networks), and quality public services (hospitals, schools, utilities).

3. High literacy and education rates: Education is a fundamental aspect of development. Developed countries often prioritize education and have high literacy rates, with a well-educated workforce contributing to their overall progress and innovation.

4. Healthcare services: Developed countries typically have comprehensive healthcare systems that provide universal access to quality healthcare services. These countries invest in medical research, have advanced hospitals, and offer social safety nets to ensure the well-being of their citizens.

5. High life expectancy: Developed countries tend to have higher life expectancy rates due to improved healthcare services, sanitation, nutrition, and overall living conditions.

It is important to note that these are general characteristics and there can be some variations and exceptions. Assessing a country's development status usually involves a comprehensive analysis of multiple economic, social, and environmental factors.