U-shaped valleys provide evidence of which process?(1 point)


wind erosion
wind erosion

coastal erosion
coastal erosion

glacial erosion
glacial erosion


answers :

1;glacial erosion
3: sea arches
4:sea stack
5:sand dunes
have an amazing day!

Yes you are right 5/5 100%


I hope ur right...

The correct answer is glacial erosion. U-shaped valleys are formed by the action of glaciers. Glaciers are large masses of ice that slowly move downhill due to gravity. As glaciers move, they scrape and erode the land beneath them, creating wide, U-shaped valleys with steep sides and a flat bottom. This process of glacial erosion includes the scraping and plucking of rocks, the grinding of the valley floor, and the widening and deepening of the valley over time. Therefore, if you come across a U-shaped valley, it is a strong indicator of past glacial activity in that area.